Plan, perform, report, and evaluate on your QC activities and collaborate with your suppliers. On-site and in real time. Fill out the form and Try 30 days for free!
Running more than +5M Quality Inspections for leading furniture brands
One place for all your QC data
Keep your reports where you need them. Get instant access wherever you are in the world. Automate export distribution or share. Act on data.
Planning & Scheduling
Automatically turn your orders into inspections, plan and schedule inspections for your own teams, suppliers, and 3rd parties. Reschedule with a simple drag and drop.
Real-Time Communication
Empower your teams and suppliers with next-level communication, get instant feedback, and break down language barriers with built-in automated translation.
Swipe to inspect
Provide Inspectors With The Tools They Need to Succeed
Automatically turn your orders into inspections
All orders will automatic be imported as inspections in Qarma. No time spend planning and manually creating inspections in the system.
“We had made continuous improvements, but I wanted to find a way to avoid the need for writing one-time-use-only reports altogether and make it easier to take data and use it to generate new insights. That was part of what was so attractive about Qarma’s value proposition”
Ben Baker
Vice President of Global Sourcing
Try Qarma free for 30 days
Start working smarter with digital workflows, improved insights, and real-time performance tracking to prevent defects and risks - without the manual work.